Two high school young ladies were assaulted by some obscure individuals on the ranch. The Roca Berry Farm Fight Video has turned into a web sensation all around the web.

Evidently, a gathering of different teens showed up with an expectation to vandalize Roca Berry Farm. The ranch authorities guarantee that the gathering had aims to hurt the Roca Berry properties, staff just as visitors.

Tragically, two teen young ladies (matured 13 and 14 years of age) were attacked on the homestead. A few observers express that casualties were beaten by both male and female young people in the stopping region.

A few suspects even caught the occurrence on the video. Also, the police have delivered a few bits of the realistic clasps. In the now-popular video, the gathering of youngsters can be seen encompassing a solitary casualty and punching her on the ground. While others in the clasp simply giggle and swear at the circumstance.

No Roca Berry Farm attack video suspects have been captured at this point. The police are as yet looking for the assaulters. They have likewise requested that the residents give data — in the event that they have any-on the matter.

Then again, the casualties expressed that they have no clue about why they were attacked. They purportedly even don’t have the foggiest idea about the attacked. Fortunately, the young ladies didn’t support any genuine wounds. They were moved to, treated, and let out of the nearby medical clinic not long after.

Besides, Roca Berry has made arrangements to fix its security and guarantee episodes like this never happen again. The Roca Berry Farm kicking video is moving on Twitter and Facebook.

— Channel 8 KLKN-TV (@Channel8ABC) September 20, 2021

The police presume that the episode may have been a sign of online media. Clearly, comparative cases have been occurring wherever because of a TikTok pattern.

The officials guarantee that the pattern included young people vandalizing various properties for preferences and perspectives. The Lincoln police alone reacted to 31 comparable cases a week ago.

The case is as yet being scrutinized. What’s more, police have expanded the hunt. You can contact Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office at (402) 441-6500 or namelessly by means of Crimestoppers at (402) 475-3600 in the event that you have any data about the matter.