Using Homebridge or HOOBS, Roborock is compatible with HomeKit. Homebridge builds a bridge between Roborock devices and HomeKit since Roborock products don’t naturally support HomeKit. As a result, the device will come up on your Home Hub and other attached iPhones or iPads.

Does Roborock Demand Native HomeKit Support? 

Gadgets that allow HomeKit are oftentimes very expensive than analogous non-HomeKit equipment and this is due to its level of scarcity. Certain software and physical features that have been fully certified by the MFi licensing program which are mostly made for iPhones, iPads, and all iPods must be present for perfect compatibility with HomeKit.

As a result of this, more revenue is being generated by producers and retailers too.

Connecting Roborock With HomeKit

The Homebridge is now the fastest and easiest way to connect your Roborock to HomeKit. You need something to build a bridge between your Apple Home and the devices that aren’t HomeKit compatible since the integration of the devices with HomeKit is completely hard. 

There are two main ways to integrate your Roborock (and some device that doesn’t support HomeKit) with HomeKit using Homebridge. These include:

Installing Homebridge on your computer, which must be turned on at all times after installation.  Making a hassle-free HOOBS purchase.

Homebridge: What Is It? 

Well, there are special gadgets that don’t accept HomeKit can be put into your Apple Home using a server called Homebridge? The server is a link between the platform and the product by effectively mimicking the HomeKit API. 

New upgrades are always coming in since the platform is community-driven. The platform has received updates over the last two years to accommodate more than 2000 non-HomeKit devices. Furthermore, high-quality physical ware is not necessary for establishing the system. flawlessly, Homebridge will function even if you install it on a device with just a little space of 1 GB RAM.

Homebridge On A Computer 

There are two ways to use Homebridge in linking your HomeKit account to Roborock smart vacuum which is already evident. The server must be configured on your desktop and this must be achieved first. Although at first glance this seems to be a wise process, it is not. It takes a lot of technical mastery and programming knowledge to set up Homebridge on a computer. 

Even if you deem yourself to be technologically smart, you should be aware that installing Homebridge on your computer will need you to leave it on often. You won’t be able to use HomeKit to manage your Roborock if your computer shuts down or loses power.

Homebridge is the ultimate link between HomeKit and naturally unsupported devices, which has already been explained. But unfortunately, this link will collapse immediately after your computer shuts off. Additionally, using this approach wastes energy, and leaving your Personal Computer running for hours at a time may result in exorbitant power costs.

Homebridge On A Hub

To integrate your conflicting devices with HomeKit, you’ll need to set up a specific Homebridge hub. The power supply should be available to assure you not to bother about HomeKit-incompatibility because it can be tiny, unnoticeable, and energy-efficient.

HOOBS Homebridge Hub For Roborock And Connection Of HomeKit

I started weighing my alternatives after I decided to use a Homebridge hub to connect Roborock to HomeKit. Homebridge is my favourite Out Of the Box after doing a lot of research. It is more of a simple plug-and-play type of device. Configuration once is all that is expected and does not need serious programming skills.

Signing up and installing the necessary plugin are the only requirements. I went ahead and established a HOOBS unit for myself. Now, I don’t need to assess a smart product’s HomeKit compatibility before purchasing it. 

What Can You Do With The Integration Of Roborock And HomeKit? 

You may operate your smart vacuum and other Apple Home products by connecting your Roborock to HomeKit through the Homebridge platform. When you are not at home, you may use Siri on your phone to operate it. 

Look For Your Roborock 

Ask the vacuum “Hi Siri, Roborock S6, where are you,” and it will reply “Hi, I’m over here.” If your Roborock runs out of power anywhere, you may use this to track it down. Additionally, being able to communicate with your robot from your phone is just cool.


Without Wi-Fi, Roborock can operate and complete all cleaning routines, but you won’t be able to manage it with a smartphone or tablet. To stop your Roborock from tumbling down the steps, you may configure navigation in the app. Some types include built-in cliff sensors that can stop a falling robot.