Roblox is a well-known internet game based on building and associating in an open world. Regardless of whether you’re a parent with a question about your kid’s downfall, or a player that needs assistance with a specialized issue, you might have to contact Roblox straightforwardly. There are three ways to arrive at Roblox. You can call their customer support line at 888-858-2569 and pass on a phone message to get a get back to, finish up their web-based support structure for general issues, or email their customer support straightforwardly to ask specific questions.

What is the customer service at Roblox? 

ROBLOX continues to develop bigger every day – which also means that more users have questions or need assistance with everything ROBLOX. Fortunately, their Customer Service group is exceptionally prepared to assist our users and track down solutions to their problems on time. 

How many employees work in the Roblox customer service community?

Five thousand employees work at Roblox in the customer service community to assist the consumers with their daily needs and queries. 

On what queries should you contact Roblox customer service?

Users can go to them with a wide range of ROBLOX-related problems – it can be something as small as a changed password or something as large as a hacked account. They wear many hats in Customer Service, yet the hidden objective is simple: they need to get customers the things they need to completely partake, they would say.

What are some of the essential Roblox customer service duties? 

ROBLOX Customer Service representative’s duties are:

Answer messagesAnswer TweetsMake Helpful articles and blogsAssemble data regarding arising issues and report them to developersAccumulate data about customer service improvements from our customers

How many queries do they receive?

They respond to a normal of 5,000 separate tickets every week (just envision what it resembles on holidays!). That is a ton of tickets. Fortunately for them, every one of them is prepared to manage each aspect of the ROBLOX user experience. They value the way that every single issue is taken care of by a live person, and we’ve chosen to go with a simple solution to focusing on each ticket. They don’t place a specific issue at the center of attention under any condition – issues are handled each in turn, in the request where they were received. Assuming that a customer sends them an email with an issue, they can almost always have an answer for you in under 24 hours. Also, in the interesting instance, we don’t know about a quick solution to your concern; they will send you glancing the correct way (to a greater degree toward this later).

How does Roblox work With the Web Team to Make a Better ROBLOX? 

They also work straightforwardly with ROBLOX web developers-they’ve made an arsenal of tools to assist the team with working all the more actually. The team has cooperated on building web tools that speed up their process – such as programs for password and email resets, the capacity to re-assign groups, and all the more, as of late, a holding system that is designed to stop scams on ROBLOX. These were made with an end goal to speed up the entirety of their work so they can track down solutions for our users as fast as possible.

What to do before you can contact Roblox customer service? 

There are a couple of things you can do before you contact Customer Service that may give you the answers you want. 

Always check the ROBLOX Help pages when you have an issue – there are thousands of pages in the “Help” section on their site, and you can use the search bar to channel your search. Hacked accounts are a regularly revealed issue on ROBLOX – and predominantly, it’s not because a record was hacked (that is almost nonexistent), but since someone either used a password that was easy to guess or – worse – shared their password with another user because they thought they were getting something special.  There are simple precautions you can take to ensure your record stays secure. Never give your user name and password to another user under any condition. Assuming a user is offering you something that seems unrealistic, it is. Furthermore, recall: there is no such thing as a free award for finishing up a survey or free models for your place, assuming you share your password. Also, ROBLOX employees won’t ever ask you for your password. Anybody professing to be a ROBLOX staff part and asking for your password is misrepresenting themselves. Report them to assist with guarding ROBLOX!Be honest. At the point when you ask them to start investigating, they will figure out what occurred. Regardless of whether you’ve done something wrong, seriously, they have heard everything previously. They are not here to cause you problems, and they are here to manage your issue and continue. Assuming you’re honest with them front and center, that frees up some of the exceptionally restricted time they need to help other people. They can help you faster, assuming you give us all the data we ask for.

Is feedback accepted in the Roblox customer care segment? 

Yes. Roblox highly appreciates constructive criticism and honest feedback. 

They always need to know how they might assist you with having a superior encounter on ROBLOX, and however they don’t respond to each remark, they are pursuing them consistently, constantly. Any criticism, positive or negative, is always esteemed.

Instructions to Contact Roblox:

Calling Roblox Customer Support: Dial 888-858-2569 to call Roblox customer service. The Roblox customer support line is accessible 24 hours every day, seven days per week. It uses a robotized menu system and will expect you to leave a voice message with your record data before they call you back. The customer support number is complementary. Messaging Roblox Customer Support Directly: Send your question to info@Roblox. com. While Roblox promotes their internet-based customer support usable structure, they, in all actuality, do have a devoted email address for general questions. It might take slightly longer for them to respond, though. However, most emails are responded to within 24h. If you need to pursue a boycott or cautioning, you should email appeals@roblox. com insteadUsing the Roblox Support Form Online: Visit the Roblox support page to use the usable structure. This page contains the usable structure that you can use to ask Roblox for assistance with a specific issue. It is Roblox’s essential technique for responding to customer complaints and concerns. You can visit the Roblox support page at https://www. roblox. com/support.   Customer service can assist you with charging concerns and record issues. Assuming that you want data about advancement or working in-game, visit the Roblox Developer Hub at developer. Roblox. com. [

How to talk to a customer service representative at Roblox, assuming you are under 18?

Press 1, assuming you’re under 18 years old enough and need assistance. Assuming you’re under 18, Roblox customer support won’t speak to you via telephone; however, they will furnish you with data in regards to where you can find help web-based, remembering instructions for how to get to their customer support page.

Assuming you’re under 18, enlist a grown-up to assist you with calling. That way they can converse with someone for you!

Press 2 on the off chance that you’re a parent or player more seasoned than 18 years old enough. Follow the robotized menu prompts based on your issue, question, or concern. You can get data about your Roblox record, charging, or software from the robotized menu before it gives you a choice to leave a voice message.

What happens when you press 0 during a Roblox call?

Press 0 after pressing 2 to leave a message and get back to you. Roblox will get back to many you leave an itemized message regarding your question or concern. You’ll be asked to give your name, your Roblox account name, and your charging data before you clarify what you want assistance with.

How to Use the Roblox Support Form Online?

Fill in your contact data at the top. You’ll have to enter your name, email address, and Roblox username. Assuming you are younger than 13, you’ll need to use your parent’s email address. Affirm your email address by entering it two times and checking the spelling to affirm that it’s right. You don’t have to enter your last name in the name section. Your first name is fine. Select the stage you use and the class of your question. Because the game is unique, relying upon the stage that you play it on, you’ll have to select whether you play the game on a console, PC, or tablet. Underneath that, you’ll select the class of your issue or question. Describe your issue or worry at the lower part of the page. Be as nitty-gritty as possible. Incorporate applicable details like how an issue has happened for sure the details of a mistake message are. Make a note regarding when the issue has happened as well, just in case they need to allude to the game logs from your playing sessions. Roblox customer support will respond to you through email. Check the inbox of the email address that you gave in a couple of hours to an answer.


In conclusion, Roblox’s customer service is highly approachable and responsive. You can contact them via the means of telephone, email, or online form forum. They usually get back to you with a solution within 24 hours. However, timings may vary depending on the extent of resolution.