Supposedly, Detectives Dave Crespin, Jeffrey Lancaster, and Kranke assumed control over her passing case in 1984. Indeed, numerous TV accounts have caused individuals to find out with regards to Robin’s demise even in 2021.

Robin Hoynes was utilized at Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Tragically, she was killed on October 30, 1984. The story starts with William Charles Marshall who joined Redondo Beach KFC on October 2, 1984. Allegedly, he filled in as an associate director under Gregory Rabdau (area supervisor).

As per Leagle, just Robin, Gregory, and William had the extra keys of the café. From the earliest starting point, Gregory didn’t confide in the newbie.

Inside only half a month of working, Marshall began to request a high level compensation. Indeed, he used to be regularly behind schedule for work. When arriving behind schedule for the subsequent time, Gregory suspended him.

Be that as it may, the keys were not taken from Marshall. The primary burglary happened on October 15 when William wasn’t working. The following morning, Robin had answered to the police.

On October 18, the cash was lost from the safe. During this evening, William was working the night shift. Indeed, Rabdau accepted that he was a cheat which is the reason she suspended Marshall once more.

On October 26, she chose to end him from the eatery. Allegedly, she booked a gathering for October 30. At around 7 PM, Rabdau went to the eatery to meet William once and for all. Indeed, his substitution (Cheryl Fuller) should work until 9 PM however left ahead of schedule at 4 PM.  Allegedly, Robin vowed to work rather than her. The following morning, when Fuller came to work, she tracked down her dead body lying on the floor. William Marshall is presently in prison as he faces the sentence of life detainment. Supposedly, he was captured prior in November 1984 however was delivered soon.

Continuing on, William’s ex, Yvonne Williams let Daily Breeze know that she had lied before. Afterward, she uncovered that Marshall never got back during the night when Hoynes was killed.

It has been a long time since the prior night Halloween. A few TV shows have included the account of William and Robin. All things considered, the case stayed inexplicable for over twenty years. Afterward, the specialists affirmed that William was engaged with cutting Robin to death.