It’s supposed that he discarded a dead raccoon, an eviscerated duck, and the remains of an opossum by putting them on a seat inside the MSD Memorial Backyard, which is arranged in shut nearness to the highschool. The essential rate came about while an intersection watch at a school found a dormant duck on a seat inside the remembrance lawn. The seat was arranged inside the lawn. The following day, July 21, the indistinguishable security monitor found an inert raccoon that had been left there on exactly the same seat. On July 31, ten days after the fundamental disclosure, a delegate found the inert constitution of an opossum sitting on the indistinguishable seat.

Robert Mondragon’s Fees These shocking finds have been connected eventually to a white Nissan vehicle that was demonstrated on an observation computerized camera driving by the terrace. The advanced camera had caught the auto since it gave by. Amidst various minutes, the recording uncovers an individual walking around much as the commemoration, offering his appreciation, after which leaving the situating. At an inconvenient time on Sunday evening, a BSO representative doled out to the Parkland region found a white Nissan with dark edges or tires anyway no hubcaps and pulled the auto over. As per the observer, Mondragon was the owner of the auto and might actually be seen sitting inside it encompassed by blood, feathers, and an inert chook. The individual, who was 29 years obsolete, was defied with the question of why he had a dormant chook in his auto.

At the point when mentioned the indistinguishable question, the individual answered by expressing that he partakes in the fragrance of metallic and blood that radiates from the dormant creature. From that point onward, his cellphone was looked, and the results prompted substantially more awful revelations. These subtleties generally level towards the arrangement of another one that commits demonstrations of mass taking pictures. Alongside one wrongdoing of disregarding a risk wellbeing request, Mondragon was accused of three counts of killing a burial place or landmark, 5 demonstrations of viciousness of probation for battery and disgusting exposure, and one depend of destroying a burial place or landmark with out consent.

A pursuit of Robert Mondragon’s violent vehicle, his photo exhibition and literary content messages, notwithstanding his net hunt verifiable past, have all driven inside the course of a truly darkish highway, one in everything about conceivable mass shooter inside the making. The specialists furthermore tracked down printed content messages that referenced school shootings, and his web search verifiable past was to a great extent fixated on subjects suggestive of school shooters, a taking pictures that concerned casualties, pipe bombs, the most ideal way to break via metal entryways, and shoptalk phrases for killing policing.

The Broward Sheriff’s Workplace disclosed on Friday, September 3, 2022, specifics concerning the capture of a troubling man fixation on the school bloodbath that came to fruition in Parkland, Florida, in 2018. The Risk Administration Unit (TMU) of the local police division is chargeable for making the capture.

After a comprehensive look for the specific individual chargeable for ruining the commemorations that had been raised in memory of the survivors of the mass taking pictures that came to fruition on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Excessive Faculty in Parkland, Florida, on February 14, 2018, Robert Zildjian Mondragon was arrested on August 4. It’s referenced that he left a breaking down opossum, a mutilated duck, and an inert raccoon on a seat inside the MSD Memorial Backyard, which is arranged ensuing to the highschool.

The following is what the Broward Sheriff’s Workplace recognized in a press send off: “An individual from Broward has been accused of fluctuated offenses after he purportedly situated the our bodies of perished creatures on a landmark in Parkland. Analysts with the Broward Sheriff’s Workplace have recognized that their examination has moreover revealed the suspect’s disturbing distraction with mass shootings in resources.”

The essential episode happened when a school crossing watch tracked down the ravaged constitution of a duck deception on a seat inside the dedication lawn. The chook had been staying there for some time. The following day, which was July 21, the indistinguishable watchman tracked down an inert raccoon that had been left there on precisely the same seat.

Ultimately, on July 31, ten days after the fundamental revelation, a delegate tracked down the dormant physical make-up of an opossum on the seat in question.

These stunning disclosures have been connected to a white Nissan vehicle that was seen in security film from near the terrace. The recording was taken from an area close to the terrace. Throughout the course of the recording, it was feasible to make out an individual who went into the remembrance on one occasion after which rose up out of it on another.

A BSO Parkland locale representative arranged the white Nissan with dark edges or tires and no hubcaps late on Sunday evening and pulled it stop. The hubcaps have been missing from the auto.

Mondragon, who was sitting inside the auto and was encircled by quills, blood, and a dormant chook, guaranteed ownership of the car. The 29-year-elderly person answered as follows when mentioned why he had a dormant chook in his vehicle:

“[He liked] the smell of the metallic and blood that radiated from the inert creature,” odds are you’ll say. His pursuit verifiable past on the web and his cellphone prompted significantly more terrible revelations, all of which follow toward the development of another one that commits mass shootings.

Mondragon was accused of one depend of disregarding a risk wellbeing request, three expenses of destroying or distorting a burial chamber or landmark, and 5 counts of disregarding probation for brutality and foul exposure.

Officials had the assumption that Mondragon, whenever permitted to remain free in the city, would play out an attack very much like the one which happened in Parkland in 2018;

Robert Mondragon is charged with disfiguring a monument.

Investigators say he also has a “disturbing fascination with mass school shootings.”@WPBF25News

— Ari Hait (@wpbf_ari) September 2, 2022

A pursuit of Robert Mondragon’s bloody vehicle, his photo display and text based content messages, notwithstanding his net inquiry verifiable past, have all driven inside the course of a truly darkish course, especially the most effective way of a potential mass shooter.

The police tracked down text based content messages that referenced school shootings, and his web search verifiable past was generally focused on school shootings, the most effective way to break into metal entryways, shootings including various casualties, pipe bombs, and shoptalk phrases for killing policing. The police moreover found literary content messages that referenced the most ideal way to break into metal entryways.

The local regulation implementation is somewhat mindful of Robert Z. Mondragon, who has a concentrated jail report that highlights attacking a regulation requirement official. Since he has invested a significant time of energy out and in of confinement over the past couple of years, Sheriff Gregory Tony is begging the courts and chose pioneers for remove this specific individual from the overall population.