Every week, the Blown Away members will be relegated a subject, and their errand will be to deliver an exceptional creation by blowing glass. Every week, one plan that doesn’t get together to the adjudicators’ norms is eliminated.


Previous Big Brother member Nick Uhas will have Season 3 of Blown Away. Katherine Gray, a glass craftsman, will join Uhas as the show’s occupant assessor. Every hopeful is a specialist in their field, and the opposition is loaded with high stakes and strain. One such contender is 53-year-old Rob Stern, who has over 30 years of involvement.

Ransack Stern, a Blown Away competitor with 30 years of involvement Ransack Stern, the most experienced Blown Away Season 3 up-and-comer, has gone through over thirty years working with glass and has worked with the most gifted and perceived glass specialists from all through the globe. Ransack was born in Miami however raised in Atlanta, where his mom was a craftsmanship educator. His dad worked in the film business and was a photographic artist.

Loot developed brought up in an imaginative environment due to his folks’ employments. He went to Northside High School of Performing Arts, where he was a functioning individual from global singing, acting, and moving gatherings. Harsh was likewise a competitor who appreciated rock climbing, skating, and riding notwithstanding standard games.

His excitement and considering spiriting helped his vocation in the glass area significantly. His work has been displayed all through Europe, Asia, and the United States, among different spots. Burglarize Stern Art Glass Inc., the Blown Away competitor’s studio, appeared in the Wynwood Arts District of Miami in 2003, where Rob and his team produce imaginative craftsmanships that are charged, displayed, and gathered all around the globe.

Craftsman Statement by Rob Stern The Blown Away member said in his craftsman proclamation on his site:

“My tasteful exists at the crossing point of individuals and nature.” A hole among natural and rakish that interfaces the man-made to the prior and never-ending universe. Here we start to evaluate our perspective and consider our feeling of our area on the planet, which is continuously changing as space, light, and time develop.”

Harsh views his creative exercises as venturing stones that assist him with better getting a handle on life. The connection between what he sees and what he does impacts his cycle and daily existence decisions.

He expressed in his proclamation: “My nonstop thoughtfulness regarding details convinces me to reproduce the complexity of its straightforwardness.”

Instruction The Blown Away up-and-comer procured a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from San Francisco State University in 1989 and a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Miami in 2003. He then burned through five years as a disciple at John Lewis Glass, a modern projecting organization in Oakland, where he figured out how to be a metal fabricator and extraordinary glass caster/cold specialist.

He even spent a semester in Europe investigating glass fabricating prior to selecting at the Pilchuck Glass School in 1990. He proceeded with his experience as a disciple and right hand to various experts and specialists at Pilchuck. He likewise filled in as a TA for Czech expert Petr Novotny and burned through two years as a creator and glass specialist at the Czech glass makers Huntig and Ajeto in 1992.

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From fledgling to dominate Loot Stern, a Blown Away Season 3 member and glass craftsman, filled in as a speaker at the University of Miami from 1998 until 2004. He was likewise a studio chief at the organization, as indicated by his list of qualifications. He filled in as a break teacher at the University of Texas in Arlington in 2010.

Over the past 30 years, the Blown Away Season 3 competitor has visited driving glass universities and advanced from a glass understudy to an expert of the medium. He has likewise given courses and exhibits at lofty glass schools including Penland School of Crafts, The Glass Furnace, and Pilchuck Glass School.

Throughout the long term, the glass craftsman has likewise worked with numerous different specialists, including Libenski/Bryctova in 1997, Italo Scanga in 1995, and Bob Carlson in 2000. Dale Chihuly, William Morris, Martik Blank, Richard Royal, Richard Jolly, Dante Marioni, and a lot more specialists with whom he has worked incorporate trailblazers of the cutting edge studio glass development.