Tires are an essential part of your vehicle; without them, you’ll probably have the vitals underneath exposed to unthinkable dangers which will damage the car; talk more about how you’ll move the car without a wheel. 

Jobes bought a new set of tires for his car after the previous ones got so bad that his car became unworthy for the road. He was very much excited about it so much that he couldn’t keep the joy to himself. He told Helen his friend and she asked him “does the car have a road hazard tire warranty ?”. He stood looking for a minute or two and then responded that he knew cars could have a warranty but tirest. Helen smiled all over almost mockingly but, friendship wouldn’t let her mock her friend over something as serious as a road hazard tire warranty. 

What is a Road Hazard Tire Warranty ?

The term already defines itself but hides its simplicity in the ambiguity of its name. Tires, just like every other part of your car can get damaged due to bad roads, reckless driving on the driver’s part, and driving generally. The last part happens because tires have friction on them, and the more they are used, the more the frictions reduce. So, this is a kind of warranty that covers just the tires of your car when it gets damaged for any reason whatsoever. But how do you get this warranty being that there are different types of tire warranties?

The significant cause of tire damage is due to bad roads and other things that could be on the road. When it comes to Road Hazard Tire Warranty, some people feel less concerned because they have vehicle insurance. Quite well and good you have that, but there are limits to what that insurance can cover; say you caused or got involved in an accident and it affected the wheels, the insurance company could do something about it. But if you pick a nail or a flat tire, their jurisdiction ends there. There are different kinds of tire warranty such as:

Manufacturer’s Warranty: this covers only things the manufacturers can control or solve and spans for the first 30 days after purchase for the client to test-run the tires to see if it soothes his vehicle.

Tread Life Warranty: this covers the lifespan of the tread of the tires; if the tread go bad before the stipulated time frame, you can change the tire with this warranty

Workmanship and Material Warranty: Just as the name implies, this warranty covers any defects in the tire due to the errors of the manufacturer in the process of making the tire such as the  materials used to make it.

Benefits of Road Hazard Tire Warranty

It Is Economic: The cost of getting a road hazard tire warranty at the purchase of your tire is good because the cost is not up to the cost of one tire, and even better, it is for a long time (depending on the package). This saves time, cost, and rests your heart of uncertainties in the future about your tire

Free Tire Replacement: The cost of a tire could be disheartening at times, especially with the fluctuations in the economic system. The good thing is, when you have a road hazard tire warranty, you could easily replace your critically damaged tires at no cost at all for as long as the warranty lasts, rather than going over the same routine of getting new quality tires for your vehicle.

Free Repairs: If you are smart enough to get your tires from a good and reliable tire company that offers free repairs for as long as the plan lasts, then that’s a plus. But the only thing wrong with it is that you’d have to go to them to get it repaired because you don’t expect them to pay for the repairs by another company.

Limited Offers: This warranty does not cover every damage done to the tire in that sense of it; any damage done to the tire off the road such as vandalism, theft, and the likes, is not covered in the warranty; if it does not affect the performance of the tire, then the warranty does not cover it.

Some Facts About Road Hazard Tire Warranty

They Are Necessary: There is no greater joy than knowing that everything you would ever think of has been covered and taken care of. So, if you want to be relaxed while driving or when you notice a defect in your tire, it’s best you get a Road Hazard Tire Warranty when buying your tires.

Getting A Road Hazard Tire Warranty is Easy: Immediately you buy your tire(s), be sure to request it. This is another way of telling if you should purchase the tire from them. There’s no better way to assure yourself of a safe transaction than this.  


If you want to make sure your vehicle doesn’t go tireless some time, be sure to get a Road Hazard Tire Warranty for it when next you are getting one; Unlike Jobes, now you know what it is and how important it is for that vehicle you love to have a backup plan. The tire may seem unnoticed but it’s an essential part of your vehicle, so give it the best it truly deserves.

How Long Does a Road Hazard Tire Warranty Last?

Your warranty should last for a minimum of three years after purchase.

Is A Road Hazard Tire Warranty For All Tires Types?

Yes it is; every vehicle deserves a good tire to carry it through