Now, Rise of the Tomb Raider has joined the cluster, but is one of the first, if not the first major title known to be able to do this via Twitch broadcasts. Xbox One and Crystal Dynamics have teamed up to add two different interactive features to this new release:

Expedition Mode - This game mode allows viewers to vote between two different “Expedition Cards” and change the game to be more difficult, easier, or entertaining and humorous.

Viewer Reward System - If the broadcasters and viewers are both using the Xbox One Twitch App, then gifts such as in-game credits will be redeemable after the gamer completes events such as side missions, achievements, or challenges. You can redeem gifts via Rise of the Tomb Raider’s in-game marketplace within 30 days to receive them. There is no gift limit per viewing session.  

Rise of the Tomb Raider is also available on Xbox 360, PS4, and PC, but there are no announcements of interactive compatibility on these systems yet. Get the latest adventure today, November 10 on Xbox to be a part of these interactive features.

Rise of the Tomb Raider  Viewer Interactive Twitch Gameplay - 46Rise of the Tomb Raider  Viewer Interactive Twitch Gameplay - 17Rise of the Tomb Raider  Viewer Interactive Twitch Gameplay - 78