The popular YouTube channel How It Should Have Ended has finally shared its take on Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and it pokes fun at several perceived plot holes while offering a compelling alternate climactic sequence. Capping off the rebooted trilogy that began with 2015’s The Force Awakens, The Rise of Skywalker debuted back in December to decidedly mixed reactions. While some (like The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson) praised it and enjoyed the way J.J. Abrams and Disney brought the Skywalker saga to a close, others took issue with what they saw as an overstuffed plot with poor payoff and sidelined characters.

Financially, The Rise of Skywalker has lagged behind all of the recent Star Wars films except for Solo: A Star Wars Story. To date, The Rise of Skywalker has earned $511.3 million domestically and $1.06 billion worldwide. Critically, The Rise of Skywalker received one of the lowest Rotten Tomatoes scores for any Star Wars films, demonstrating just how divisive the film turned out to be. Oscar Isaac recently commented on the intense reactions from fans, saying he wasn’t actually surprised people were so mixed about it.

HISHE’s version of The Rise of Skywalker’s ending, which sees Rey (Daisy Ridley) confront her grandfather Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) in the final showdown of good vs. evil, gives Rey a new advantage in her fight: the ghosts of former Jedis. In The Rise of Skywalker, Rey hears the voices of all the Jedi who came before her and channels their power to defeat Palpatine. HISHE explores the concept of those voices actually manifesting into Force ghosts and taking on Palpatine themselves. Of course, it does this in a humorous way. Check out the video below:

This alternate take on the ending is certainly interesting, and it would have allowed for a pretty epic final fight. Luke was the only person aside from Leia (Carrie Fisher) to make a real appearance as a Force ghost in The Rise of Skywalker, though fans expressed their disappointment at not seeing other characters, like Anakin (Hayden Christensen). Anakin’s part in the HISHE video is one of the highlights, especially when he references the first time he killed Palpatine in Return of the Jedi.

It’s unlikely the debates surrounding The Rise of Skywalker will end anytime soon, but at least the divisiveness has led to some funny creations. Star Wars will likely always remain one of the most hotly-debated franchises of all time, but that’s partially because the fans are so passionate. At least those who are especially upset by the Skywalker saga’s conclusion can enjoy humorous videos even while they continue to question the decision to make Rey a Palpatine.

More: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Final Battle Victory Explained

Source: HISHE