Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is nearly upon us, with fans hungrily counting down until they see the conclusion of the battle between the noble Resistance and villainous First Order. With this being the final movie in the saga the stakes look to be extremely high, especially if you rewatch the various trailers and TV spots that have been released. So that means that, more than likely, some of our favourite characters may be about to perish in the battle to restore peace to the galaxy.

We now take a look at five characters we think may die but also name five characters who we think there’s absolutely no chance of Disney killing off.

Safe: Rey

This is Rey’s story, just how the original trilogy was about Luke Skywalker and the prequels about his father, Anakin. Star Wars hasn’t killed off either of those characters when they’ve been the main focus and, given how Daisy Ridley’s character still has many mysteries surrounding her, we can’t see that changing.

Plus, it’s also worth noting that Rey has looked virtually unstoppable during the two movies she’s appeared in so far. She’s defeated Kylo Ren easily, held her own against Supreme Leader Snoke and even defeated Luke when they clashed during her training. So, all of that considered, she should make it out alive.

Might Die: Kylo Ren

Kylo Ren’s story has so many resemblances and echoes to Darth Vader’s that it would not be a huge assumption to guess that he’ll be biting the dust during this blockbuster. A family who loved him? Check. A love interest? Check. A need for power that means doing anything to get it? Check.

Kylo also has the same softer tendencies as his grandfather and it’s extremely likely he’ll emulate Anakin by turning back to the light side. However, we can’t see this story having a happy ending for him. He’s done so much wrong so far he’ll likely have to pay for his crimes, and we wouldn’t rule out Palpatine bumping him off should he decide to switch sides.

Safe: Finn

John Boyega has hinted that he was unhappy with what Rian Johnson had in store for Finn during The Last Jedi, recently saying he was a ‘bit iffy’ about the movie. It’s easy to see why, with the Stormtrooper-turned-Resistance-soldier getting far less screen time than he did during The Force Awakens and, his epic showdown with Captain Phasma aside, generally not doing much.

But Boyega has hailed the direction of The Rise of Skywalker and that, to us, suggests Finn won’t be dying. Personally we’re hoping he settles down and finds someone with romantic links to Rey, Rose Tico, and Poe Dameron all refusing to die down. Whether we get what we want, however, remains to be seen.

Might Die: Leia Organa

Sadly, Carrie Fisher died before she could finish filming the sequel Star Wars trilogy and it’s been regularly claimed that her role in the movie would have been huge, particularly given how the previous two movies focused firstly on Han Solo and then on Luke Skywalker.

And we feel that Leia may pass away during the movie, with rumors suggesting she will then return as a Force ghost to help Rey. That sounds really cool and it would make sense for her, seemingly as Rey’s master, to die just like how Yoda died on Luke Skywalker during 1983’s Return of the Jedi. It’s the only way we can see Leia getting a significant role or part in the movie given Fisher’s tragic death in 2016.

Safe: Poe Dameron

Poe Dameron’s cocksure attitude and charming persona means he’s the closest thing to a Han Solo that the current Star Wars trilogy has. And, because of that fact, it doesn’t seem possible that he won’t make it out of The Rise of Skywalker alive.

Plus, Disney has already u-turned on the decision to kill off Oscar Isaac’s character. He was originally meant to die helping Finn escape from Starkiller Base during The Force Awakens but they backtracked because they thought he had potential. It really would be a shock if the Resistance’s best pilot were to be murdered, particularly when it’s likely he’ll be spending most of his time in the sky, where he’s most comfortable.

Might Die: Chewbacca

Star Wars has, slowly but surely, been killing off characters from the original trilogy. Han Solo was the first to go, being slain by son Kylo Ren during The Force Awakens. The Last Jedi then continued by having Luke Skywalker sacrifice himself on Crait and also bumping off Admiral Ackbar, who perished when Kylo Ren’s two supporting TIE Fighters let loose on the Resistance’s main carrier.

So we feel Chewbacca might be next. All signs point to that and the fact his bowcaster can be seen in Kylo Ren’s quarters during the third trailer hints he may be killed and his prized possession hung up as a trophy. Now that’s messed up.

Safe: R2D2

The Star Wars trailers appear to show C3PO saying goodbye. In his own words, he’s taking ‘one final look at his friends’ ahead of what appears to be a pretty significant gesture. And with the protocol droid seemingly prepared to end it all, we can’t see his partner in crime going with him.

Though it would be emotional, something would no doubt have fans in hysterics, Disney just doesn’t have the bottle to get rid of them both. It looks as if C3PO will go on to pastures new but R2? He may be able to enjoy retirement alongside BB-8 and new droid D2.

Might Die: General Hux

In truth, General Hux has been lucky to last this long. He’s been getting under Kylo Ren’s skin ever since we met the duo during The Force Awakens and Ben Solo was very, very close to choking him to death following his murder of Supreme Leader Snoke in The Last Jedi.

Kylo only tolerated Ren because Snoke was around but, now that’s no longer the case, we just can’t see him making it our alive. Especially if the rumors that he’ll turn out to be a traitor within The First Order prove to be on the mark…

Safe: Lando Calrissian

Sure, we’ve already mentioned about how Star Wars, these days, have been focusing on killing off the original characters. But given we’ve had to wait for two movies to see him back in action, Lando Calrissian should still have his life by the end of the movie.

It would be brutal to murder him off so soon after getting back. He’s a beloved character and we can’t imagine Billy Dee Williams signing on for a movie where his character gets such bad treatment. So, for those reasons, we’re fairly sure he’ll be okay.

Might Die: Palpatine

Don’t get us wrong, we’re so stoked to see Palpatine back in action. Even though it somewhat undoes the original trilogy, even though it’s so clearly a ploy to ramp up appeal because The Last Jedi left them with such a headache, seeing the Sith Lord back on the big screen for one final time is going to be sensational.

But let’s be realistic. He’s not going to make this out alive, is he? With this being the final movie in the Skywalker saga, there won’t be any loose ends. Star Wars is like poetry, it rhymes. And that means the movie will likely end on the same positive note with the destruction of the villain - just like Return of the Jedi did all those years ago.