The news comes from an interview GameSpot carried out with Valorant’s Executive Producer Anna Donlon, whom you may remember from the Summer Game Fest a few weeks back.

Donlon told GameSpot:

Donlon also clarified what she meant by the specific experience, saying Riot has concerns players on one platform might be disadvantaged against players on another.

If we feel like we can deliver this experience on those platforms, we absolutely will, but we really want Valorant to stand for a certain type of gameplay and a certain type of experience.

While it might seem like Donlon is just referring to how some players find keyboard and mouse easier than a console control, it could also relate to how Riot handles the game moving forward. When Overwatch came out on consoles, for example, Blizzard had to handle the update process in completely different ways for each version so as not to affect the console experience with PC-related changes.

In other words, there’s a lot that goes into porting games like Valorant, and Valorant on consoles may or may not happen.

The original story is on GameSpot. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Valorant news as it develops, and be sure to check out our Valorant guides as you head into the fray.

Riot Says It s Testing Valorant on Consoles But Not Sure if It Will Translate   Valorant - 46