However, sometimes the recruiters become over-enthusiastic. They let their creativity hold no bar. The result is sometimes very interesting, at times, it is not so impressive. You may come across a few ridiculous job titles that make you wonder about the thinking behind the creator. We have compiled a list of such hilarious, out-of-the-box, ridiculous job titles that we have come across. You are welcome to add to the list in the comment section.   

Ridiculous job titles

First Impressions Director

It is a creative Job title for a receptionist. Reception is the first place where people come when they visit your organization. The impression created by the person at the front desk remains forever with the visitor. Your “First Impression Director” should have superb communication skills and be proficient in computer usage. You can also call the person at the reception as “Chief People Officer”.

Flavor Mixologist

Flavor Mixologist is a job title that matches the creativity of its holder – the Chef. A Chef has the expertise in creating and mixing different flavors; hence the title. Mostly the Chefs are self-taught and earned their titles by working tirelessly for many years as a cook. However, many have attended culinary schools and have a degree in food preparation, presentation, and nutrition. You can also call your Chef “Hash Slinger”.

Social Media Trailblazer

A digital marketing executive can be called a “Social Media Trailblazer” as he/she is responsible and at the forefront of all the social media activities of the organization. The branding, promotion, Search Engine Optimization, campaigns, and presence of your organization on different social platforms are their responsibility. You can also call them “Media Masters” or “Social Visionary”.

Wizard of Want

A marketing manager is responsible to create demand for your products among customers. Hence, the title “Wizard of Want”. He beguiles the customers and compels them to buy your product or service. He is responsible for creating business strategies and divulging with stakeholders. You can also call him “Marketing Rock star” or “Director of Fun”.

Number Ninja

Accounting could be a boring job for some. But it is not the case for people who call themselves “Number Ninja”. They are responsible for filing tax returns, preparing financial documents, and providing money advice. You can add charisma to the life of your accountant by providing them the job title of “Master of Coins”.

Mischief champion

A Public relations manager who is responsible for designing and running various campaigns and stunts for an organization can be called a “Mischief Champion”. The position holder can find situations to grab eyeballs on the product. You can call them “Brand Evangelists” or “Lord of Fun Things” also. 

Paranoid in chief

An extra vigilant security officer may cause some discomfort to the visitors but is always beneficial for the organization. Cyber security in charge is also known for causing some inconvenience to people. You can add a fun element to their tough and important job by bestowing them with the title of “Paranoid in Chief” or “Suspicious Fisherman”.

Galactic viceroy of research excellence

Believe it or not! It is an actual job title used in Microsoft. The person with the job title is responsible for research in cloud technology for the company. 

Space Lawyer

A person is responsible for setting up and implementing a set of rules for space. These rules are to be followed by a human while venturing out in space for research and Leisure. 

Transportation Troll

A toll booth operator will not let you go without paying the exact toll fee. These people are brave enough to withstand all weather conditions to collect money for the government. It is a humorous and creative take on their job description.

As you can see, finding a title that does justice to the work done is a tricky job. You may find an awesome title that does justice to all your hard work and shows your creativity at best or may sound too ridiculous to be taken seriously. Either way, you will be able to grab the attention of the readers. Getting the attention of the target crowd is the first step toward recognition. A quirky and unique title will surely do so.

 Q: Do any unique titles used in corporate?

A: Yes, it is now very common for corporate to use quirky job titles to stand out and get the attention of aspirants. For example, “Galactic Viceroy of research excellence” is used by Microsoft and “Master of Coins” by Tesla. There are many other examples of it.

Q: Why should I not go for extremely quirky titles?

A: The inflated job titles are good to sound but they can be very misleading also. You must always add a job description with these titles.

Q: How can I find a cool job title for me?

A: You should concentrate on all the work that your job does. Remove the technical words and replace them with unique describing words. Try not to be cute and cheeky. Some brainstorming and you will be having a perfect job title for you. 

Q: Are there any problems due to inflated job titles?

A: Sometimes, these job titles are so weird that you cannot guess the responsibilities associated with them. These titles should be added to the resume as they may cause confusion regarding the responsibility attached to the position and irritate the HR manager. Whenever used, it should always be accompanied by a detailed job description. 

However, these inflated job titles look good on visiting cards and create curiosity in the reader’s mind.