Every Housemate got a stool, a bowl loaded up with irregular things, and elastic strings for the main game. To progress to the following round, the Housemates needed to build the tallest standing pinnacle conceivable in the allocated time. Chizzy and Rachel, who had the tallest pinnacles, progressed to the subsequent round.


The second round of games comprised of a test about Nigeria; Rider Rachel was in the number one spot until she missed an inquiry, and as per the test controls, each erroneous response brought about a negative point. She attached with Chizzy, and to break the tie, it was unexpected passing, bringing about a Rider Chizzy triumph.

Chizzy, as Head of House, has select admittance to the Head of House Room, which he intends to impart to Rachel, and he will share the Showmax film compensation in Level 3 with generally Step Up Finalists. So charming!

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— WHATSAPPBLOG9JA💙 (@whatsappblog9ja) September 26, 2022