Adult Swim’s acclaimed animated series Rick and Morty will return for its season 4 premiere in November 2019, it has been announced. Created by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, Rick and Morty debuted in 2013 and immediately garnered a loyal following among fans who fell in love with its twisted take on animated science fiction. Centered on the dimension-hopping adventures of mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his hapless grandson Morty (both voiced by Roiland), the show features wildly imaginative storytelling, bizarre characters and sometimes profoundly dark humor straight from the mind of the ever-warped Harmon.

Initially a cult success, Rick and Morty soon went on to become an unlikely mainstream hit as well, with its third season ranking as the #1 comedy on TV in the 18-34 demographic. Unfortunately, the third season for a time looked like it might be the last for the series, as creators Harmon and Roiland found themselves embroiled in contentious contract negotiations. However, that contract was eventually hammered out and back in May 2018 it was announced that Rick and Morty would return with a massive 70 episode order. At the time, it was not known how long fans would have to wait for the next season of Rick and Morty to arrive, and indeed many anticipated a very long slog given Harmon and Roiland’s notoriously slow creative process.

Now however, fans can rejoice in knowing that they won’t have to wait an infinite time for Rick and Morty to return, as Adult Swim has revealed the premiere date for season 4. The network announced at the Warner Media Up Front in New York that Rick, Morty and the rest of the gang will be back for more inter-dimensional hijinks, existential angst and random insanity in November 2019. Adult Swim also tweeted out a video announcement, which can be seen below:

Though the premiere date for season 4 has now been set for November, it’s entirely possible that Rick and Morty could drop a surprise episode ahead of time as they did back in 2017 when episode 1 of season 3 arrived on April Fool’s Day, months ahead of the remainder of the season. It has not yet been revealed how many episodes season 4 will include, but with 70 more on the slate, it’s not out of the question that the new season could extend beyond 10 episodes (each of the past two seasons ran for 10, while season 1 ran for 11).

However many episodes Rick and Morty delivers in season 4, fans can rest assured that the show will maintain its high level of quality, given that it will have taken two years for new episodes to arrive after the end of season 3. At the very least, Harmon and Roiland won’t have any excuses, as they certainly took their time letting the creative process play out. Of course, at some point even those two will run out of ideas, but hopefully they have enough good ones left to deliver 70 more worthy episodes.

More: So, How Many More Seasons of Rick and Morty Will There Be?

Rick and Morty season 4 premieres in November on Adult Swim.

Source: Adult Swim