Rian Johnson is excited about the trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. After months of speculation and a number of theories from Star Wars fans all over the world, Disney and Lucasfilm finally revealed the title for the latest film in the saga at Star Wars Celebration, and with it the first trailer.

As expected, the trailer (and the title reveal) prompted a new wave of theories surrounding the plot and its connection to the previous film, Star Wars: The Last Jedi. But there’s also the excitement of fans of all ages who have been eagerly waiting for a first look at this new story, and among those is none other than Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson.

Via his official Twitter account, Rian Johnson shared his excitement over the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker trailer, adding how he “melted back into being a happy kid.” Johnson is not involved with this new installment of the Star Wars franchise, so his reaction comes purely from a fan perspective, joining thousands of other fans who have reacted positively to the trailer. Check out his tweet below:

Johnson has been heavily criticized since the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi for taking the saga into a different direction. The story put an end to a number of theories regarding Rey’s parents and her potential connection to the Skywalkers, and it killed Supreme Leader Snoke without providing a proper backstory, leaving some fans unsatisfied. However, there are many fans (and critics too) who have praised his work on the film for giving it a twist that most viewers weren’t expecting.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker went through a major shake-up before production began as director Colin Trevorrow left the project citing “creative differences.” After much speculation on who would take his place, with Johnson’s name making the rounds, the studio confirmed that J.J Abrams (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) was coming back to direct the film. Johnson stepped back from the main saga, but didn’t leave the Star Wars universe completely, as he has been working on a new trilogy outside the Skywalker Saga.

Whether certain fans liked Star Wars: The Last Jedi or not, it’s heartwarming seeing Johnson’s reaction to the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker trailer, as it reminds us that he is, first and foremost, a fan like any other - so much that he has previously stated that he wouldn’t care if the upcoming film ends up retconning his film, as long as he is entertained.

More: The Star Wars 9 Title Doesn’t Mean Rey Is A Skywalker

Source: Rian Johnson

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