Harvey asked at one point during the game, “‘Passed away’ is a wonderful way to deal with saying someone died, name a not-truly respectable way.”


Darby then replied, “I should say, ‘Carked it.’”

The performer, from New Zealand, expected to clear up the term for a befuddled Harvey.

“You know, as in, ‘What has been the deal with that individual? Charitable, he’s carked it,’” the star requested. “Since it’s short for body.”

“What on God’s green earth’s going on?” Harvey tended to. “This game’s going to perdition here.”

“Carked it,” not so clearly, wasn’t up there on the board after the family got the amazing chance to take the round from Jay Pharoah’s friends and family.

— Celeb Family Feud (@FamilyFeudABC) August 8, 2022

Despite the dampening round, Darby continued to overwhelm the match after he gave all the No. 1 reactions during a record-breaking Fast Money round.

He sorted out some way to raise $25,000 for Algalita Marine Research and Education.

See a part of the electronic diversion reaction to Darby’s appearance on the show underneath.

@FamilyFeudABC 😮!!! 198 concentrations by Rhys in the Fast Money Round. Most raised cutting edge all through the whole presence of #CelebrityFamilyFeud. The second most raised score in Fast Money was 197 centers which happened I acknowledge several years earlier.