This spell can be used to:

Freeze enemies in place Steal items Capture monsters on the wanted monsters list And temporarily turn enemies into allies for 24 hours

How To Obtain the Spell Seal

After completing the first dungeon and rescuing Hina’s mother, Misasagi, you will be prompted to talk to Livia at Rigbarth Outpost. It’s here where she promotes the player from trainee to an official SEED ranger, and gives you the rundown on how to use the spell seal. This is also when it becomes unlocked.

Using the Spell Seal

By pressing the ZL button on your controller, you will be able to throw your spell seal at your target. Once it hits the target, it will be frozen in place temporarily. Holding the ZL button will allow you to charge up for a power catch. This allows you to capture monsters or turn them into allies for 24 hours at a time. Note: There is a small cooldown each time you use this spell.

Wanted Monsters List

Shortly after you receive the spell seal, Livia will give you the option to start taking requests from the wanted monsters list. The premise is simple: you choose a monster from the list, you track it down, and you capture it using the spell seal for various rewards. However, most monsters won’t go down without a fight! You will have to lower the enemies’ health before you’re able to successfully capture them. It’s recommended that you bring failed dishes along with you so that you have an easier time reducing their health without killing your target.

Temporary Allies

When you use the power catch on an enemy who you aren’t capturing for the wanted monsters list, it will turn them into a temporary ally for 24 hours. After that time has passed, it will be released.

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