After a long, stressful exam period, students would like to receive some gifts for their hard work. Rewarding and encouraging students for their efforts are highly important to encourage them in their future studies. You may feel overwhelmed about what to give students as a reward. As a teacher, you can reward your students by giving them free time, bringing board games to class, having a class outside, having a movie time, giving them certificates, and you can write motivational letters for the end of the semester. If you are a parent, you can reward your child by planning a trip, buying them the item they want the most such as a phone or a toy, spending quality time together, expressing pride in them, and showing affection to them.  


For a teacher, it is essential to build solid communication with students to make them feel more comfortable at school and to build up their self-confidence. Rewards have always been great ice-breakers between students and the teacher. If you are looking for suitable rewards that can help your students to release their stress, here are some options for you; 

Give them free time. No matter their ages, students always enjoy having free time at school.   Bring board games to class. You can bring several board games to class and join your students in them. Board games will help students to bond with each other and with you.   Have a class outside. You can have a class outside on a beautiful day. This will be a refreshing method for students. If you keep the class short, they will enjoy it even more for sure.  Have a movie time. You can ask your students about their favorite movie or what they would like to watch in class. It will be a quality time both for you and your students.  Give certificates. You can prepare certificates online to give your students at the end of the semester. This will help your students feel proud of themselves for their achievements.  Write them motivational letters. This may take some time, but if you write personal, motivational letters to your students, they will feel encouraged and supported deeply besides having a life-long memory to keep from you! 


No matter how old they are, children always seek their parents’ support and seek validation from them. Especially when they are students, they tend to need encouragement from their parents. Here are some reward ideas that you can make your appreciation felt by your children.  

Planning a trip. Having a family trip together is always a great way to collect some memories. Your children will be able to leave the stress behind of a tiring year with these trips.   Buying them their dream item. This one is a classic but effective method. Children, especially the younger ones, will feel so happy and relaxed once they receive a gift from you. Buying them their dream item will also be much more meaningful than giving them cash.  Spend quality time together. You can allocate a whole day to your family to reward your children. Seeing a movie, eating at a restaurant, and going to a game center are some of the activities you can do with your children. Those days will always remain in your children’s minds as good memories.  Express your pride in them. Not every reward is about money. Sometimes, the most valuable ones are free. Being vocal about how much proud you are of your children will make them feel your love even more, and they will feel appreciated.  Show affection to them. Hugging them even more, kissing them on the cheeks while saying you love and support them is always an excellent reward for your children at any age.   


Rewards help students by releasing their stress, boosting their self-confidence, and encouraging them in further studies and achievements. As a teacher, you can reward your students by giving them free time, bringing board games to class, having a class outside, having a movie time, giving them certificates, and you can write motivational letters for the end of the semester. As a parent, you can plan a trip, buy them their dream item, spend quality time together, express your pride, and show affection to your children, and these will be the greatest reward for your children.