Tricky Letters is a new app that serves daily inspiration. The app is simple to use and delivers its content in a unique, cute way. You receive letters everyday at random times that contain wisdom, inspiration, meaningful quotes, and art. Tricky Letters stands out in that it doesn’t serve up content on demand. Instead, it only delivers content when the app decides to.

The app is very minimalistic with two buttons. In the upper left hand corner there is a circle. Tapping on the white circle, spreads out two different options. “About” will tell you how the app works and where it gets the pictures. Tapping on “Theme Store” shows you the different themes that are available. The app comes with two but there is  a selection of additional themes available for $.99 via in-app purchase. In the center of the screen is the star of the app: the mailbox.

The mailbox is where you receive the letters that contain wisdom, inspiration, meaningful quotes and art. Before the age of smart phones, and email we would anxiously check the mailbox to see if there is any mail. The same concept applies here, as there is no push notification alerting you if you get a letter. You have to be patient, just like in the old days. You can tap on the mailbox to see if you have received a letter. If you have, the mailbox opens and you can view your new message. If you do not have a letter, you get introduced to the mailbox’s personality.

The mailbox has a strong personality. He talks to the user when he wants to and shows his emotions. He can be really happy or terse, so you do not want to agitate him while you wait for your next letter. The mailbox teaches you to be patience for the letters.

Tricky Letters requires only a few seconds to use and is guaranteed to give a smile. It’s great if you are are seeking inspirational quotes, or need positive encouragement. It is currently available for $.99 in the App Store.