In this part of the tutorial, we’ll take a look at how we can figure out a structure when reverse engineering a binary. First, we must write a C++ program that declares and uses the structure, so that we’ll be able to reverse engineer it. The basic difference between arrays and structures is the fact that we’re using an index to address consecutive elements of the array, whereas with structures we’re using named members to access specific data within the structure.
When working with structures, we must keep in mind that the size of the structure is declared as the sum of all its data members aligned on word boundary in memory. What does that mean? It means that the compiler will align each data structure on a 4-byte boundary, so it can read and write member values from memory more efficiently.
Global Structures
The program written in C++ that uses global structures can be seen below:
[cpp] #include
We compiled the program with the g++ compiler and after running it, the program outputted the number 9.9. In the source code of the program, we’re first defining a structure that has four members: variable x, an integer; variable y, an integer; variable z, an integer; and variable value, a double. The structure can represent points and their values in a three-dimensional space. We’re also defining an instance of the structure named mys when declaring the structure: note that this is just a shortcut to declaring the structure in a normal way like “struct s mys.” If we load the program in Ida, we can quickly find the following disassembly that initialized the numbers 1, 2, 3 to the x, y, z members of a structure and which defined the value of member ‘value’ to be 9.9. The disassembly can be seen on the picture below:
In the assembly code, we can see the direct assignment of values 1, 2, 3 and 9.9 to a certain memory location by using the variables dword_405020, dword_405024, dword_405028 for variables x, y and z and dword_405030, dword_405034 for variable ‘value’. In the assembly code, there is no math involved at all, so we really can’t be sure if the structure is involved or not. The way we see it, the program references a few global variables rather the members of the structure.
Local Structures
First let’s present the C++ program that allocates the structure locally and declares its members. Basically, the program is the same as with the global structures, except that the structure is declared locally; all the rest is the same. The whole C++ program is as follows:
[cpp] #include
Okay, so the program works as expected, because it outputs the number 9.9. But we’re interested in the disassembled version of the program that we can obtain very quickly by opening up the executable in Ida Pro and finding the appropriate section of the executable. The disassembly listing can be seen below:
In the disassembly function, we can quickly figure out that we’re using 0x30 bytes for local variables, which is the fact that we’re declaring the structure locally. In the previous example where we declared the structure globally, we only used 0x10 bytes on the stack for local variables. We can also see that this time, we’re now assigning the values 1, 2, 3 and 9.9 to different global variables inside the assembly, yet we’re actually using the stack pointer ESP with the right offsets to access certain members of the structure. The x variable from the C++ code lies at the address [esp+30h+var_18], which means that the local variable var_18 is used to reference the x member of the structure. The same goes for other members, where var_14 is used for member y, var_10 is used for member z and var_8 and var_4 are used for member ‘value’. This gives us the picture that the function is using different local variables to hold the values assigned to them, but in reality we’re defining the members of the previously defined structure ‘s’. When we know how a certain function uses a structure, we can rename the local variables to define the structure more clearly. This also presents another useful feature of Ida: renaming the variables automatically generated by Ida itself. The disassembly of the renamed local variables could look like the picture below:
Notice that the local variables that used the offset into the structure are not renamed to define their real members x, y, z and ‘value’? This can be a valuable help if we would like to share our work with others; maybe putting a few comments in there wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
Heap Structures
Heap structures are basically the same as local or global structures, except that they are defined on heap. I guess we should first present the program written in C++ that does exactly that: it allocates the structure on the heap and then allocates certain values to its members and prints the value stored in memory ‘value’. Such a C++ code can be seen below:
[cpp] #include
When we load the program with Ida Pro, we can quickly find the relevant code the above program was compiled into. The assembly version of the above program can be seen on the picture below:
Notice that we’re first calling the Znwj function that equals the new function in C++. That function creates a new struct on the heap and stores the pointer to the structure in eax, which we’re writing to the address on stack [esp+20h+var_4]. Afterwards, we’re using this pointer to get access to various structure members by using the appropriate offset into the structure: [eax], [eax+4], [eax+8], [eax+10] and [eax+14]. We’re also passing the 0x18 constant to the new function, which means that the struct’s size is 0x18 (24 bytes). Defining Structures Manually in Ida In the preceding examples we saw how the structures from C++ were translated into assembly code. Let’s summarize how the structure members were accessed in each of the three examples. When we declared the structure globally, the structure was accessed as follows: [plain] mov ds:dword_405020, 1 mov ds:dword_405024, 2 mov ds:dword_405028, 3 [/plain] When we declared the structure locally, the structure was accessed as follows: [plain] mov [esp+30h+var_18], 1 mov [esp+30h+var_14], 2 mov [esp+30h+var_10], 3 [/plain] When we declared the structure on the heap, the structure was accessed as follows: [plain] mov eax, [esp+20h+var_4] mov dword ptr [eax], 1 mov dword ptr [eax+4], 2 mov dword ptr [eax+8], 3 [/plain] We can see that in the second and third case, we’re using offsets to access certain members of a structure. We should tell Ida that we’re dealing with a structure since Ida can only detect the use of a known structure by itself, but it certainly can’t detect using the custom structure as we did in the above cases. We can open the Structures window by going to View – Open Subviews – Structures to see if Ida has detected the use of any structure in the program. Currently there are no structures in this executable as we can see below:
There are some comments presented in the structures view that informs us of how we can use the structures window. To create a structure, we can press the Insert key, while the Del key deletes a structure. We want to press the Insert key to insert a new structure. Upon doing that, the following dialog box will pop-up:
We need to enter the name of the structure, which is only the letter ‘s’ and press OK. A new empty structure will be added to the Structures windows as can be seen on the picture below:
To add members to the data structure, we must position our cursor to where we want the structure to be and press the letter ‘d’. We must then press the letter ‘d’ as long as the added member isn’t the required size as it should be. Afterwards, we can right-click the name, which is by default field_0 and change its name to something else. Using that approach, we must add all members of a certain structure, which in our case are the variables x, y, z and ‘value’. We must also ensure the proper alignment of all the fields in the array. At the end, we can even collapse the structure with the minus ‘-‘ sign to represent it in one line; the opposite operation of that is to expand the structure by pressing the plus ‘+’ sign. There is an easier way to create a structure in Ida – we can import the structure written in C/C++ programming language itself by importing the header file into Ida. We can do that by first creating the header file, which will contain only the defined structure itself and nothing else. Then we need to go to File – Load File – Parse C Header File and choose the created header file. Ida will parse and import it and then display the following notification window:
The window tells us that the structure was successfully imported. After that, we should go to the Structures window and Insert a new structure with the same name as what we imported from the header file. This will actually add the structure among all the structures in the executable. We can see the structure ‘s’ being added to the structure window below:
To use the structure in the disassembly listing, we have to double click on the offset that is being used to reference different members of the structure. Let’s take a look at the following program disassembly:
In the picture above, it’s already evident that we renamed the offsets that reference different members of the structure into x, y, z as valueH and valueL. After that, we should double-click on the variable x to be thrown at an actual stack frame memory address (this can be a memory allocated in any section) as follows:
Then we should select the first variable of the structure, in this case variable x, and select Edit – Struct Var. This will display a list of known structures within the executable. In our case, only the imported structure ‘s’ is known, as we can see on the picture below:
The structure will be applied to the current address and will consume as many bytes as the size of the structure. This is why we must always select the first member of the structure, because the structure will be applied to that memory address and its corresponding higher memory addresses. After the structure is applied to the current memory address, the disassembly will look like the picture below:
We can see that it was worth it, because now the disassembly view is much clearer and easier to read. Notice that we now have a local variable named mystruct that is used later by the function to reference different members inside it. Conclusion We’ve seen how structures are reverse engineered in Ida debugger and how to recognize them. But what is more important is the fact that we’ve looked at how to import the structures in Ida and apply them to memory locations, which automatically updates the disassembly view to make it more readable and easier to understand. We should also keep in mind that Ida applies known structures from various system libraries to the executable by default when being analyzed. Usually, different structures are used in different API functions that are part of the system. All the recognized structures will also be added to the structures window, which we can use throughout the program analysis. References [1] Chris Eagle, The IDA Pro Book: The unofficial guide to the world’s most popular disassembler.