Apple CEO Tim Cook and Google CEO Larry Page are reportedly in talks regarding mobile patent disputes between the companies.

According to Reuters, which cited “people familiar with the matter,” both chiefs spoke on the phone last week while more discussions between “lower-level officials” are also underway:

The two companies are keeping the lines of communication open at a high level against the backdrop of Apple’s decisive legal victory in a patent infringement case against Samsung, which uses Google’s Android software.

We reported earlier this week that Google’s subsidiary, Motorola Mobility, agreed to license its standards-essential patents in Germany to Apple. In the deal, which chiefly includes cellular standard-essential patents, Apple agreed it is legally responsible for past damages in connection to the patents. It is certainly interesting both companies could reach an agreement overseas. So, between the Motorola deal in Germany and the Google talks today, there just might be an end in sight for Apple in the ongoing, wide-reaching patent wars.

Reuters further reported Apple and Google might consider a truce over patent disputes on certain Android features, but the talks could also concern a sweeping settlement:

All hopes of peace aside—there are some obvious reasons why the two CEOs, whose mobile operating systems control over 80 percent of the global smartphone market, might want to keep in touch. However, due to Samsung’s epic loss to Apple in the recent California-based patent trial, Google might now attempt to settle rather than fight.

Samsung, on the other hand, does not have any plans to ceasefire. Still aching from its patent trial loss, the South Korean company said it would appeal the jury’s findings. It will also allegedly seek a new patent litigation against Apple related to 4G LTE networks.

According to a report by The Korean Times:

Apple already released the new iPad with 4G LTE connectivity, so many reports have speculated Samsung plans to sue Apple when an LTE iPhone is released.

This article is cross-posted on 9to5Google.

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