Backing up rumors that Apple’s next-generation iPad—set to be unveiled tomorrow, March 7—would be LTE-capable, Reuters reports “a source familiar with the product” confirmed it “will be capable of operating on a high-speed 4G LTE” network:

Reuters said Apple hopes customers will be more inclined to “pay extra” for a LTE iPad due to high-quality video. Adding to the reports, iMore claims the same source that called the March 7 unveiling date also informed them the “iPad 3” will include “4G LTE networking.” Both reports support The Wall Street Journal’s sources who said in February that an LTE-equipped next-generation iPad would land on Verizon and AT&T.

You may have noticed Verizon is teasing “Something is Coming” on its website today, possibly hinting at tomorrow’s iPad announcement. As for when the device will become available, we have just discovered Friday, March 16 will likely be the day. We will of course bring you live updates tomorrow when the event kicks off at 10 a.m. PDT from the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco.