Ophelia Nichols, otherwise called TikTok star Mama Tot, lost her child Randon Lee in June 2022 when he was lethally shot in a service station, only hours before his nineteenth birthday celebration. The web-based big name resolved the issue via online entertainment and encouraged help from the general population, featuring the likelihood that somebody could know any subtleties.


In spite of the fact that she stressed that Randon was killed at a corner store as he was preparing for his impending birthday, the police later gave an assertion guaranteeing that he was there to trade drugs. As indicated by US Magazine, prior to being shot, the kid was on the site offering weed to two others.

Notwithstanding, regardless of the public data and the specialists had a few leads, the police confined no one. Reuben Gulley, age 20, moved toward the police on August 18 and professed to be the killer outside fair treatment.

Update: Reuben Gulley Arrested In Randon Lee Murder Gulley, who has revealed himself to the police as Mam Tot’s child’s executioner, has been arrested at the Prichard prison.

As per the prison’s site, Reuben Gulley of Saraland, Alabama, is right now being hung on a homicide accusation. The Mobile County District Attorney’s Office affirmed the capture to Fox News, however Prichard Police, who Newsweek reached for input, has not openly affirmed the capture.

Specialists uncovered at a public interview coordinated by Prichard police on June 27 that Lee was offering pot to two suspects at the corner store not long before one of the two shot him.

As indicated by Detective Jason Hadaway, Lee had the option to come to one more service station prior to surrendering to his wounds there.

Is Reuben Gulley From Mobile, Alabama? Insight concerning His Charges Gulley isn’t initially from Mobile, Alabama; he is a Saraland local. As per WKRG News, he is in his mid 20s. He was blamed for killing Randon Lee, the child of Ophelia Nichols, a famous TikTok client known as Mama Tot and a Prichard big name.

Moreover, the case is still being scrutinized. Accordingly, Reuben’s charges will be in every way made public soon. He may, be that as it may, be given a lifelong incarceration without the chance of parole.

— Ariel Mallory (@arielmallorytv) August 19, 2022

The police division has not given any extra data to the press or the overall population, so no one external the examination knows anything more about the supposed wrongdoer. Thusly, his experience, both expert and individual, stays a secret.

For what reason did Reuben Gulley Kill Ophelia Nichols’ Son? Gulley probably given sufficient data for the police to think about his story and confine him, despite the fact that it is obscure what he shared with the specialists or the subtleties he gave to persuade them to think his activities. The individual who shot Randon Lee to death is the supposed suspect assuming he is viewed as blameworthy.

The observation film from the corner store is accessible on the web, and it shows the suspect entering Lee’s vehicle and leaving it with a weapon in his grasp following a couple of moments. The killer immediately moved into his truck and hurried away in the wake of leaving the casualty’s vehicle with a weapon in his grasp.

Then again, Randon drove away simultaneously, seriously harmed, until he crashed his vehicle at the following station.