Reeds Jewelers

It is not easy to find the perfect jewelry for a wonderful occasion. That is why Reeds Jewelers have been able to fabricate incredible types of ornaments for so many years. The Zimmer family has continued to run the company for over four generations now since it began. Reeds Jewelers have had an opportunity to be listed by the National Jeweler magazine in 2008! The company was named the ninth biggest jewelry retail chain.

Reeds Jewelers have several products that are available at their retail store. Most of the stores are placed inside malls. Moreover, they sell through their online retail chain store which is known as store The company sells items such as:

JewelryDiamondsWatchesSwarovski crystalGemsPandora charmsAccessories and Gifts

Return Policy of Reeds Jewelry

Imagine you bought a good and found out that it was not working or it was not what you thought it was? Don’t stress. At Reeds Jewelers, items can be returned if found defective. The retail store enables purchasers to return and exchange items within 30 days. It should be known that products that are supposed to be returned ought to be new and in an unused state.

In addition, a receipt should be presented at the time of the exchange or return of a good. Customers must also certify the specific location from which the item was bought. All of the returned or exchanged products are supposed to have original tags or packing lists. For Swiss watches, the company’s agreement is for clients to have inventive tags on them that are in place and not tampered with.

How Online Return Policy Works

Online Purchase Return Policy To Reeds Store

The Reeds Jewelers allows buyers to return goods that they had bought via their website to the nearest store physically. This can be done as long as a client carries along with the original paperwork document and the item packed in its original bag. However, not all products may be returned to the store. Only those that do not indicate on the merchandise sheet that says the goods can only be returned by mail.

Online Purchase Return Policy Via Mail

When a client procures an item through the website and is not satisfied with the product they are allowed to go through simple steps through the mail. There are effortless steps that a client needs to pursue to be able to acquire an exchange of the returned product. The two ways that one ought to follow are:

Step 1 – Standard Online Orders

Log into your account and begin the return procedure then print the pre-paid label shipping.

New users or those who don’t have an account should check their order category once they get to the Reeds website

Step 2 – ShopRunner Orders

This is a scheme that was introduced to consumers as a ShopRunner membership program. It offers customers a two-day unlimited complimentary shipping including other amazing benefits.

Those who wish to utilize this type of way to return their purchased products ought to present signed orders to their ShopRunner accounts. The account is

The Return Or Exchange

Once the purchaser has followed either of the steps, a receipt is supposed to be sent to them. In addition, customers should include the required materials and detailed personal information. 

Then the business might ship a similar product or credit the unique sum that was paid for the good. It should be noted that processing of credit generally takes place within 3 to 5 working days.

It can be frustrating to acquire merchandise and see that is not what you originally wanted. It’s helpful for companies to rally around clients and make their shopping effortless and worthwhile. This can be initiated by having an appropriate return policy. Reeds Jewelry has an amazing return policy and this makes consumers be more content purchasing items from them.

What types of jewelry are sold at Reed’s?

The company has rings, necklaces, earrings as well as bracelets.

What do all sales ultimately mean?

It means that there will be no reimbursement issued.

How can I cancel an order?

One should call 8444-REEDS-40 almost immediately