So how do you solve the Resident Evil Village piano puzzle? What chords and notes do you play? This guide will tell you the solution.

How to Find the Resident Evil Village Piano Puzzle

As you make your way through Castle Dimitrescu, you’ll eventually gain access to the Opera Hall by way of the Courtyard. Use the Dimitrescu key to access the Opera Hall and climb the stairs on the left side. Follow them up to the second level and beware of the enemies lurking around corners. 

Follow the upper portion of the Opera Hall to the right. If you look down, you can see the piano in the center of the room below. Continue right, and descend another flight of stairs to reach the room below. 

Piano Puzzle Chords and Notes

When you reach the piano, interact with it to start the puzzle. You’ll see a section of sheet music in front of you and a few of the piano’s keys highlighted in white, with the rest greyed out. Don’t worry about the grey ones.

To solve the cipher, you’ll need to play the notes on the sheet music in succession. The piano puzzle chords and notes are in order as follows: C G B A A D C D E E. 

If you know how to read music or find the C note, then you’re likely good to go from here. Just play the notes in that order, and you’ll solve the piano puzzle. Note: when you play the correct notes, they will light orange/red on the sheet music. 

If you don’t read music, etc., here are the notes to hit from left to right based on their numbered position.

From the far left, go right 15 keys for C Then go left three keys for G Now right two keys for B Left one key for A (strike this twice in a row) Right three keys for D Left one for C Right one for D Right one for E (strike this twice in a row)

How to Get the Iron Insignia Key

If you’ve hit the correct notes, a drawer will open just above the piano keys. Inside is the Iron Insignia key. This will get you through doors marked by a large, ornate circle with three other circles inside it.

Specifically, you can use it to access a door in the basement to solve the treasure map puzzle and get the Azure Eye. 

That’s all you need to know about how to solve the Resident Evil Village piano puzzle. For more RE8 tips and tricks, like how to solve the 5 bells puzzle or finding all of the Goats of Warding, consider checking out our Resident Evil Village guides page. 

Resident Evil Village Piano Puzzle Chords   Notes Solution   Resident Evil Village  Resident Evil 8  - 55Resident Evil Village Piano Puzzle Chords   Notes Solution   Resident Evil Village  Resident Evil 8  - 10Resident Evil Village Piano Puzzle Chords   Notes Solution   Resident Evil Village  Resident Evil 8  - 19