Winters’ Expansion includes a brand-new story arc set 16 years after the events of Resident Evil Village. Called Shadows of Rose, it follows Ethan’s daughter, Rose Winters, as she seeks out the secrets behind her powers — and perhaps a way to get rid of them. It sees the return of Castle Dimitrescu and a few familiar characters. 

Alongside the new story bits, Winters’ Expansion includes a third-person mode for Resident Evil Village, which allows you to play the entire game from the classic Resident Evil perspective (Shadows of Rose is entirely in third-person mode).

Finally, the DLC brings new areas and characters to Mercenaries. Called The Mercenaries: Additional Orders, the content adds Chris Redfield, Heisenberg, and Lady Dimitrescu to the list of playable characters. 

The news comes with the announcement of three Resident Evil titles receiving new-gen upgrades, new footage for the upcoming Resident Evil 4 remake, and the release date of RE: Verse.