A few days after Buzzfeed revealed that Purdue Pharma was investigating the use of Apple’s ResearchKit platform to assist in developing new drugs, the piece has been updated to reveal that GlaxoSmithKline has similar plans.

While some had assumed that ResearchKit would be used to assist only with not-for-profit research, Apple said that the company is willing to make the platform available to “anybody that is going to make an impact on people’s health” … 

GlaxoSmithKline, one of the world’s largest drug developers, told BuzzFeed News it is “currently working on integrating (ResearchKit) into clinical trials and planning to start in coming months.”

Apple has previously shared data collected from HealthKit and ResearchKit with Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic and others through a joint initiative with IBM known as Watson Health.

The company made its open source ResearchKit framework available in April, a month after it was first announced. The platform has been widely praised, Stanford University reporting that it used ResearchKit to do in 24 hours what would normally take a year.

Photo: aljazeera.com