Just in time for the holidays comes the rumors that your Apple products may soon be out of date earlier than you expected. The Taiwan-based Chinese Commercial Times today reports that Apple will introduce new, perhaps lower-cost versions of its iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV in the first half of 2013. The translation, below, is a little rough, but it would be great and appreciated if readers want to either email or comment with a better translation.

The reasons for the quicker-than-usual cycle are said to be increased competition from Samsung as well as low-yield rates on the iPhone 5 design. We’d caution that it is hard to tell when Apple is going to ramp up their iPhone and iPad refreshes based on what suppliers are being asked for now. Also notable (and unlikely) is that “low priced products” are expected.

Industry, said Apple’s new iPhone certification send samples has been officially start trial production in December estimated 5 to 10 million units iPad facelift version is about to send samples, estimated the trial production of the second quarter of next year, components Jingji large Li-guang, jade crystal light is Wei Zhen Ding and Taiwan county are outside the new iPhone machine certification is made, the Japanese manufacturer, Kanto, KONICA Japanese soft-mill Fujikura (Fujikura) also joined the camp, Hon Hai is also naturally become assembly preferred .

Speaking of Samsung, Chosun.com reports that Korea-based conglomerate is increasing the prices it charges Apple for its A-series processors by 20 percent. The processors, produced in Samsung’s Austin Texas plant, are designed by and produced exclusively for Apple. Obviously with all of the competition and lawsuits happening, Apple has been rumored to be looking for a new long-term chip-making partner. In the meantime, Samsung may be looking for additional revenue to help re-tool its plant.