TechRadar had originally cited a spokesperson, who warned that once the Nexus 5 units were sold out, that was it for the year-old stock Android flagship. disputed it in an email statement to The Verge, however, saying that the Nexus 5 will continue to live on through Q1 2015.  have no confirmation from , but going by that email statement, you have several months left to buy a Nexus 5—though we wouldn’t dilly-dally. Android 5.0 makes it even better, with its refreshed look simplified interface.  y this matters: seems to be sticking by its original promise to support its Nexus devices for up to 18 months. By the second quarter of next year, the Nexus 5 will have been out for roughly that amount of time. ‘s other offering, the Nexus 6, is big—almost too big for some. It’s good to know a smaller option will remain, at least for a little. Fortunately, both are llipop-compatible.