Digitimes recently reported that their supplier-based contacts say that Apple is currently prototyping two versions of the third-generation iPad. The site says the iPad 3’s are codenamed J1 and J2 and Apple has not yet decided which model to launch. Based on code strings I have seen (shown in screenshot above), the J2 iPad mentioned in the Digitimes report is definitely an Apple device. Based on Digitimes accurately predicting the iPad 3’s codename, it seems at least somewhat plausible that the site’s attached rumors of a Retina Display and a dual LED-bar system to power this ultra-high-resolution display are accurate (or at least planned possibilities).

What Digitimes said about the J1/J2 (and more device findings):

The report said Apple is yet to choose between the J1 and J2 model, but it seems like the J2 is actually just the 3G model (the J2 reference was found alongside other CDMA iOS devices) and it is possible that there is a J1, but that has not been found in the iOS 5 code. The J2 iPad 3 being found in iOS 5 code means the device is actually in testing right now against an iOS 5 software release. In fact, the J2 codename has been floating around since the initial betas of iOS 5.0. In addition – as you can see in the screenshot above – there is an unknown T39 device also in testing. I’m not sure what the T39 is but it likely is a device that can connect to cellular networks.

Let it sn0w.