A Redditor first spotted that the Verizon logo wasn’t alongside AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular on the Samsung y site (pictured). This doesn’t mean that the door is completely closed. Verizon could be testing compatibility of Samsung y with its network, which the carrier tends to guard more closely than others.  For example, Verizon disallowed  llet in favor of the carrier-backed Softcard. Though that turned out to be a bust, as eventually acquired Softcard. Given that the four other carriers several major banks are on board, Samsung likely won’t give up without a major push. Droid-fe contacted Verizon was told, ” are in the process of evaluating Samsung y we will keep our customers updated on any news regarding the service.” It’s not a flat-out “no,” but it is what big corporations say when they don’t want to tell you “no.” y this matters: Samsung y is a big piece of the company’s efforts to promote its Galaxy smartphones. It’s set for the Galaxy S6, S6 ge, S6 ge+, Galaxy Note 5. The key differentiator is that it works with non-NFC payment terminals, unlike llet, Apple y, the upcoming Android y which require the tap-to-pay functionality of NFC.