A new report from Opensignal today takes a look at mobile network experiences around the world and ranked 87 countries based on average download and upload speeds, 4G availability, video experience, and latency. While the US performed well for 4G availability, it fell short of many countries for the other metrics.

The study notes that South Korea was the only country to have higher than 50 Mbps average mobile network download speeds. Norway came in second place with 48.2 Mbps while Canada and The Netherlands came in third and fourth with average download speeds of 42 Mbps.

The US had an average mobile network download speed of 21.3 Mbps. That was just above the 17.6 Mbps average for all 87 countries involved in the study and put the US in 30th place overall.

The one metric the US did score quite high was with 4G availability, landing in 5th place with 93% of users in the study having access to 4G. Opensignal attributes the improvement of 4G availability in the US to the rivalry between carriers.

But other than availability, the US scored low across the board coming in 58th for video experience, 50th for latency experience, and 39th for upload speeds.

Opensignal’s mobile network experience report is based on data from 43 million devices collected from January to March this year. Read the full report here.