According to a report from Engadget, the South Korean-based electronics company will announce a new round-faced smartwatch at next week’s IFA show in Berlin. don’t know of any specs for the new smartwatch—reportedly named the G tch R—but published an unlisted teaser video to one of its official YouTube accounts, Engadget notes. The teaser video hints at a completely round screen—a subtle jab, perhaps, at the Moto 360, whose screen isn’t actually completely round despite its round face. The video also quickly flashes different face designs layouts, as well as a hful of other features like a step counter compass. th two major companies hopping on the round-smartwatch bwagon, it’s probably safe to assume that other companies will follow suit. And if anything, it’s a sign that electronics makers have learned a lesson or two from the oft-ridiculed Glass: en it comes to wearables, looks matter big time, might make the difference between a toy for early adopters only a device that wins more mainstream acceptance.