In a story published by The Information (it’s behind a paywall), Amir Efrati describes the troubled relationship between its Motorola subsidiary. According to Efrati, executives repeatedly rebuffed Motorola’s attempts to build a phone that integrated tightly with ’s other services. For example, according to the report, Motorola wanted to work with ’s natural language processing group to improve voice-comm recognition in the Moto X smartphone. But such a partnership never happened, while the Moto X’s hs-free “Touchless Control” voice comm feature is useful, it clearly isn’t as powerful as what Motorola had hoped to build. Motorola also approached ’s YouTube + teams to build tight integration with those services into the Moto X, again to no avail. CEO rry ge also did little to help Motorola do battle against Samsung. Executives reportedly told ge that needed to make a concerted marketing push in support of the Moto X: Yeah, that never happened, either. ed, the Moto X that we got was pretty dang good in its own right, but clearly it needed to be more than just “pretty dang good” to loosen Samsung’s stranglehold on the Android market, or to pry away some users from Apple’s ione. It was “a match made in purgatory,” Efrati’s report concludes. Ultimately, sold Motorola for $2.9 billion—a small fraction of the $12.5 billion it spent on the company back in 2011. If you have a subscription to The Information, Efrati’s piece is well worth the read.