In its Q1 2012 report of device activations by platform, multi-platform software company Good Technology analyzed thousands of activated smartphones through its network of enterprise customers. Apple’s CEO Tim Cook noted this week during Apple’s Q2 earnings call that the iPad was now being deployed or tested by 94 percent of the Fortune 500s and 75 percent of the Global 500. Good Technology’s numbers show the iPad and iPhone together continue to dominate Android in the enterprise market with roughly 73.9-percent of all smartphone activations and 97.3-percent of tablet activations during Q1. Apple’s iOS devices together took 80 percent of total activations, which is up 10 percent from last year.

Among iOS, iPhone 4S is the clear leader with 37 percent, representing four times the amount of activations of any other device. In the graphic of the Top 10 Devices above, we see iOS take up six of the top 10 spots with iPhone 4S and iPad 2 accounting for the majority of activations during the quarter. Good’s numbers, however, do not include RIM or Windows…

The report said the third-gen iPad did not have a significant impact on new activations in the enterprise. The first non-iOS device to take position in the top 10 was Android handset Motorola Droid at No. 7 with 1.6-percent of activations.

Other interesting notes from the report: 30 percent of companies are choosing either iOS or Android and abandoning the “bring your own device” and OS model. Also, iPhones continue to beat out iPads for new enterprise activations—as witnessed in the graphic of “Activations by Device Type” to the right. All iPhone models together were able to capture 55 percent of activations during the quarter (up from 53 percent), while iPad models collectively grabbed 24.8-percent (up 18 percent).

Good’s numbers did not include Windows Phone devices, such as the Nokia Lumia, but it will monitor those devices over the upcoming quarters. Good also does not track RIM devices using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server, because Good’s own software is related to push email.