The Guardian published a new report today that cited unnamed sources and throws around phrases like “not optimistic” and “unlikely event” in regards to Apple ever allowing a Google Maps iOS app.

The story claimed Google’s app is ready to ship by the end of 2012, but Google is torn about the likelihood of Apple ever giving an official go-ahead:

The Guardian specifically noted Apple’s reluctance to give Google Maps any attention in iOS. The company apparently went as far as to neglect apps in the “Find maps for your iPhone” section of the App Store that use Google Maps APIs:

Despite the pessimistic outlook of the anonymous Google sources, the Guardian said Apple and the folks in Mountain View are in constant talks. So, the tide could potentially change without any notice. With that said, they firmly believe Apple will never again make Google Maps a default mapping solution in iOS.

Apple released its latest mobile OS, iOS 6, in September. The software runs on 3GS and up, and it most notably replaced Google Maps with Apple’s own Maps app. The media and many consumers generally lambasted the change, labeling the new Maps offering as an inferior product compared to the Google-backend app previously offered on older versions of iOS.

This article is cross-posted on 9to5Google.

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