The more capable Apple TV with Siri plus an App Store is also said to feature universal search, Buzzfeed says and we’ve previously reported, which is a useful feature missing on current models. Paczkowski notes that this feature is based in part on Apple’s 2013 Matcha acquisition. Mark Gurman last month on iOS 9-based Proactive Search:

As we’ve detailed, the slightly thicker and wider Apple TV 4 will be based heavily on iOS 9 with Siri voice commands and search as the central user interaction model.

An all-new and enhanced Bluetooth remote with new features like motion detection and voice search will be included in the new offering. Support for Bluetooth gaming controllers previously only supported on iOS devices will present a gaming platform opportunity for the new device as will the new App Store.

Apple is set to unveil the new Apple TV 4 next week at the iPhone 6S event with the new set-top box set to hit stores in October.