Rumors and reports have indicated that Samsung has dubbed the Galaxy S6 as the ‘Project Zero’ and has gone back to the drawing board for the design and software of its upcoming flagship.  Now, Business Korea is reporting that Samsung is working on optimizing TouchWiz for the Galaxy S6 so that it is as smooth and fast as the Nexus 6. According to an industry source, Samsung is removing all the unnecessary features and bloatware to achieve this. Samsung’s TouchWiz UI is known for its poor optimization, which makes it lag even on high-end devices like the Galaxy Note 4. On the other hand, Nexus devices are known for their top-notch performance six months to a year down the line, even though they are overshadowed by other phones with more powerful internals. Samsung has long been criticized for the poor performance of TouchWiz and all the unnecessary features it ships with the phone, but the company never paid a heed to them. However, it looks like the declining sales of its smartphone division has forced the company to pay attention to what consumers have been asking from it for years — smartphones with better build quality and an optimized version of TouchWiz. Here’s hoping that Samsung also takes this opportunity to make TouchWiz as visually pleasing as HTC’s Sense UI or even Android 5.0 Lollipop.