Ever since Cyanogen Inc. started things out on their own, the Seattle-based company has had quite a bit of attention turned towards it to see what’s next. According to a new report, something big could have certainly happened. Based on a report initially published by The Information, investors that are interested in Cyanogen Inc. have recently learned from the company’s chief executive that Google’s Sundar Pinchai — the individual in charge of the Android division — came by one day to talk about acquiring Cyanogen Inc.. The number that was apparently tossed around was $1 billion. To compare, Cyanogen Inc. closed Series B funding at $22 million last year. This valuation would mean that, going into Series C funding, a new, giant number has now been attached to the company behind CyanogenMod. The fact that Google is reportedly interested, or was interested at least, in Cyanogen Inc. isn’t a surprise, considering there were many reports swirling at the end of August this year saying that other tech giants were also interested in acquiring the company, including entities like Yahoo! and Microsoft. What do you think of a $1 billion valuation for Cyanogen Inc.?