A new report from The Information claims sources that have spoke with Apple employees say the company is setting low expectations for its upcoming wearable’s battery life. Little details have leaked out regarding specific specs or the design of the device, but today’s report from The Information claims battery life could be one area the iWatch disappoints:

While there haven’t been any parts leaks to give us a clue at what design Apple plans for the iWatch, we have heard several reports mention wireless charging as something planned for the device. That could come in handy if Apple plans to implement sleep tracking features considering today’s report on less than impressive battery life. Battery life has been one of the biggest complaints among reviewers for the current crop of Android Wear devices hitting the market that often don’t provide the full day’s battery life companies claim. 

“People who have talked to Apple about the watch said that Apple employees have set low expectations,” Lessin wrote

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The latest reports from The New York Times and Wall Street Journal claimed Apple’s yet to be announced wearable will feature a flexible display panel (also something others reported previously), while they also claimed the wearable will feature an NFC chip for pairing and payments alongside the iPhone 6. Recent reports from often reliable KGI analysts shared some specs expected for iWatch including 1.3 and 1.5-inch display options, 512MB RAM, and 8 GB of storage.

Apple is expected to introduce its new wearable during its September 9 event next week, while a launch for the product won’t likely happen until next year.

(via BI)